Nelson’s Finest Hour
In 1805 the mighty Napoleon Bonaparte had conquered most of mainland Europe. He then turned his attention to invading Britain. He needed his navy to take control of the English Channel for just 24 hours. Unfortunately the British navy control the seas. This is the story of the build up to the epic Battle of Trafalgar. A battle that once won by Lord Nelson, saved the British Isles from the threat of invasion for 134 years.
To help you prepare for this musical we have added some web sites that might be useful:
What you get
You get
The Script With stage suggestions | Music Score Full libretto score | MP3 tracks performance backing | MP3 tracks backing so your children learn the tunes | Art pack Make the props, scenery and costumes from recycled materials |
Made up of: Main Show Script with Historical Fact Sheets and Art pack – MP3 files with Performance and Backing racks – Libretto Music Score – 12 month Performance and Video License – Photocopying License
Cast List
Total Characters. 11 main parts, 5 small parts, 4 French soldiers, 5 English marines, 8 English sailors and 6 French sailors. Numbers are flexible.
Main Parts.
Horatio Nelson – Vice Admiral of the English Fleet
Captain Hardy – Captain of HMS Victory
Charles Adair – Captain of the English marines
Admiral Villeneuve – Leader of the French Fleet
Napoleon – Emperor of France
Napoleon’s Advisor – Advisor
General Lauriston – Captain of the French marines
Lieutenant Pasco – English sailor
Lady Emma Hamilton – Nelson’s girlfriend
2 Narrators –
Smaller Parts.
John Scott – Horatio Nelson‘s secretary
William Beatty – Surgeon on HMS Victory
Miss Collins – Housekeeper
Horatia Nelson – Nelson’s five year old daughter
Fanny Nelson – Nelson’s wife
Admiral Collingwood
English Lookout
French Lookout
English Messenger
6 French Sailors
4 French Soldiers
5 English Marines
8 English Sailors
English Townspeople
Many thanks for making my life so much easier and the children’s learning so much more fun!
Kate Dowell, Ysgol Gellifor, Ruthin